Starting From Just US$139. Expires on March 31.
Expand Your Awareness
Embody Your Knowledge
Unite Your Body, Mind & Soul
Are you ready…
To break through to a contemplative & authentic Yoga practice?
To expand the space in your physical body?
To rediscover, from inside out, the essence of your being?
To deepen & integrate your knowledge with the tools of Yin Yoga?
To reunite with your wonderful body?
To cultivate a confidence that is compassionate?
To step into full presence with all that you are?

“They have taught me how to step into my own authority, how to teach what I love, and how to keep growing.”
Nici Kellerman – yogawithnici.com
Imagine you are just starting your Yoga journey like you would begin a brand-new day – wide awake, with wonder, and an openness to receive, experience & express yourself fully. You’re curious, courageous & committed to meet that new day in all its forms.
That is the very essence of Akasha Yoga Academy’s Self-Inquiry based Yin Yoga Program. We invite you to step into this unknown landscape of your innermost Self.
And we encourage you to deepen your personal & professional journey through 80 hours of Yoga Alliance accredited Teacher Training.

This illuminating online course will engage & gently disrupt everything you think you know about Yoga. Together, we’ll slow down, look deeply at the present moment, and experience how introspection & contemplation transform our practice & lives.
This Yoga Alliance certified training covers the basics of classical Yin Yoga: functional Anatomy, joints & target areas, meridian theory & mindfulness.
Yet we dare to go much deeper: Together we’ll explore an authentic spiritual practice known as Self Inquiry. We use this genuine approach to discover the existential depths of our practice & purpose.

"They show you how to slow down, how to open up, and how to love yourself."
Anna Kotaba – Poland
Do you feel like you’re just skimming the surface of your Yoga practice?
Have you heard an inner call to go deeper?
You’ve started to experience a more contemplative & peaceful space in your practice. Yet something’s still missing in your relationship with Yoga.
Akasha’s Self Inquiry based Yin Yoga Teacher Training peels back those layers that condemn us to a flat, repetitive & ordinary life.
Together, we’ll bring about a clarity & serenity that catapults you forward into a new dimension – in your Yoga journey, and in your entire life.
And you know that you’re ready for this.
Explore your body & mind at a depth you’ve only imagined. Join Akasha’s 80-Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training and take your journey to the next level.

"The lessons were very genuine they came from a real heartfelt place. I was absolutely delighted to meet all the teachers during the classes, if we had any questions the support was amazing."
Luis – New Zealand
Other schools focus exclusively on the physical benefits of this practice. While there are merits to such an approach, you’ll discover far more depth in Akasha’s Yin Yoga Program:
Our exclusive Teacher Training has a much broader and truly holistic approach. The genuinely practical philosophy and the authentic practice will allow you to actually integrate Yin into every area of your life.
Lead teacher Kirsten describes Yin Yoga as a “secret door” through which we can explore & expand all aspects of our being. We start by creating spaciousness in the physical body and from there, we go all the way, into the very essence of Existence.
Akasha’s Yin Yoga Teacher Training guides you through the threshold of this secret door. In this life-changing process, you’ll gain all the skills & wisdom needed to support yourself (and future students.)

“I love Akasha Yoga Academy. Their programs are extremely comprehensive & truly get to the essence of Yoga.”
Anu Anj – United Kingdom
Dive Deep into the Flow of Yin

Balancing & uniting the dualities of Yin & Yang is what Yoga is all about. Yet in reality, our lives tend to be imbalanced:
We live in a world dominated by strong Yang energy, nature’s active outward force. In this course, we’ll dive deeply into the opposite energy: the soft & slow flow of Yin.
Our heart-opening program explores Yoga from the inside out. We’ll look at the profound spiritual principles of Yin Yoga. And we’ll understand how this peaceful practice differs from more engaging styles of Yoga.
Learn the Principles of Yin Yoga Practice
You’ll learn to practice & teach Yin Yoga from a space of deep interoception & inner alignment.
To support your own internal perception, we’ll also study the physical mechanics of a safe Yin practice:
In our exploration of functional anatomy, we’ll discover relevant joints & target areas.
To cater to the full spectrum of abilities, our individualized style incorporates a variety of modifications for each pose.
And perhaps most importantly, we’ll explore how to use the breath to enhance the quality & safety of our practice.

Applied Self Inquiry

Self-Inquiry and the ability to hold space for ourselves & others are two fundamental teachings of our Yin Yoga Program.
This online training generously explores a variety of awareness practices. And we’ll show you how to apply them in your Yoga practice, and in daily life.
We’ll have the opportunity to dive into the deep roots of awareness: In our practical approach to Self Inquiry, we’ll explore how Yin Yoga serves as a powerful container for this eye-opening spiritual practice.
Functional Anatomy & Energetic Meridians
The anatomy teachings of this course draw from an applied, functional approach. Our individualized perspective respects the highly unique makeup of each body, and it shows how that translates into customized postures.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the energetic foundation of Yin Yoga. Energy channels, known as meridians, exist in left & right pairs. They allow for the distributing flow of Qi throughout the entire body. Guided by our Yin Yoga practice, we’ll explore the deeper structures of the body. We’ll directly experience how the physical anatomy connects to the energetic body and the Five Elements.

Build a Personal & Professional Yin Yoga Practice
Once you’ve experienced the magnificence of a grounded & mindful connection to your body, you’ll be ready to share your personal insights with others in a professional Yoga context.
Akasha’s course fully prepares you to teach Yin Yoga in a holistic way, giving it a physical, energetic, or spiritual orientation. You’ll learn how to authentically hold space, and guide others in their Yogic journey.

"The Akasha family is so welcoming & supportive. They create such a save space and they enable me to slowly go beyond my self-limiting belief."
Sharon – Australia
Every Yoga journey matures through three main stages:
Curiosity, experimentation & integration.
Not sure where you’re at?
It’s natural to feel stuck and unsure about what’s next. Creating the space & time for the heart-led commitment of a Yoga Teacher Training isn’t easy. You might worry about the challenges this phase in your journey may present.
You’ve already come a long way. We know. We’ve been there too.
In an authentic Yoga journey, there’s a natural flow between curiosity, experimentation, and integration. As you devote yourself more deeply to your practice, you’ll evolve to greater heights.
Trust this: Your guide is already within you, gently encouraging you to take a step forward, release the past, and discover the magnificence of awareness, in full, loving presence.
And we’re here to support that journey every step of the way. Our program gives you convenient online access to all training modules & materials, so you can choose a pace that works for you. Plus, you’ll meet the lead teachers and connect to our vibrant global community in regular live Zoom calls.
The ancient science of Yoga is a vast & beautiful subject, and Self Inquiry opens us to a new way of seeing ourselves in relation to the world. It is our privilege to share this knowledge and experience this transformative journey with you.

“To find teachers with so much depth, passion & dedication is quite unique.”
Valerie, Curaçao – Online Graduate 2020
Join our trusted & time-proven training to deepen & empower your own practice. And become a more competent & confident Yoga Teacher on the way.
This educational program delivers a superb level of quality, expertise & excellence on all levels. We're here to support you on every step of your Yoga evolution.
At Akasha, we put our heart & soul into creating a nurturing & loving family atmosphere. You will be guided by passionate & dedicated senior teachers, who are Experienced Registered Yoga Teachers at the highest level (E-RYT 500).
So we do everything to make this the best investment of your life

4.8/5.0 based on 205 reviews

4.92/5.0 based on 241 reviews

4.9/5.0 based on 110 reviews

5.0/5.0 based on 5 reviews

4.5/5.0 based on 23 reviews
Over the past decade, we empowered more than 1100 awesome Yoga Instructors
– who are now successfully teaching on all 6 continents.
Countless genuine reviews speak for themselves.

“A fantastic experience. Connecting on a daily basis with instructors & participants from around the world was amazing.”
Sayla, UK – Online Graduate 2020

“Kirsten is super clear & precise. She is motherly, but not patronizing, kind & compassionate.”
Anastasia from Germany

“The way Devdas holds space is amazing. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from him.”
Rebecca from the US

"Astrid is a wonderful teacher. Her anatomy classes are a harmonious melding of her well grounded intellectual and experiential knowledge"
Ninuca from Germany

"You will learn so much more than just Yoga. I truly wish that EVERY person could experience this deep dive of self-discovery."
Chandise Dasher – United States
Sign up for a life-changing journey, and dive deep into the Heart of Yin Yoga.
Experience how Yin Yoga can benefit all areas of life, and share your passion with others.

“The guidance the teachers give at Akasha is out of this world, and I always felt fully supported.”
Carmen Reiss – Germany
And receive these incredible 5 bonuses!
Yin Yang Pranayama Masterclass
In this Pranayama Masterclass, we explore pranayama as a doorway into the peace of meditation.
This class helps you to deepen your self-practice, while exploring breath-work as a potent tool to deepen experience deep stillness within.

Breath-Based Alignment Workshop
This eye-opening presentation provides a provocative perspective: It doesn't really matter how our posture looks from outside.
Instead of fitting our body into a standardized outer shape, we allow our breath to guide us from within.

Yin Yoga Sequences
This is a complete collection of ready-made Yin Yoga classes. The useful summaries will make it easy for you to teach smooth 60-minute sessions.
You will receive a beautiful visual map of all poses, descriptions and benefits, empowering you to instruct skillfully.

Yin Yoga Poster
An appealing poster with all the Asanas you will learn in our 80-Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training.
Due to the high-resolution image quality you can print this poster in bill-board size. This allows you to showcase the full sequence at home or in your Yoga studio.

Yin Yoga Music
This is a collection of amazing heart-opening music. We exclusively produced these awesome sets with guest artists in our Baliwood Studios.
The high-vibe sounds will take you & your students to deeper states within.

For a limited time, all 5 bonuses are FREE and included in the 80-Hour Yin Online TTC
Total Value of US$ 864
Start today for only US$139
* Offer extended until March 31.

“The course content is incredible! Easy to digest. It's been a fantastic experience that I will encourage anyone to sign up for”
Seyla– Australia

"Akasha’s 80-Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training is designed to give experiential knowledge of all relevant principles & practices. It creates a greater sense of balance & harmony within your own self-practice, and the practice you offer to your students.
The instructors at Akasha have an incredible amount of knowledge, experience & wisdom that shine through every lesson. You can tell they love Yin Yoga and love sharing it with others!
Learning from a variety of experts who are truly passionate about sharing the benefits of Yin Yoga is a big part of what makes this course so engaging.
After taking this course it is my belief that every Yoga Teacher could profoundly benefit from diving more deeply into Yin. And I can think of no better way to do that than through this course."
Becky Beach from Canada

"The Yin Yoga TTC at Akasha is excellent. It's both calming & incredibly heartfelt. It's a fantastic way to immerse oneself into a profound inner world.
Each day of the course felt like a revelation about the capabilities & limits of my body. Although I completed the training online, I still felt like I had a truly magical experience. The team at Akasha ensured that all training videos were of the highest possible quality.
The guidance the teachers give at Akasha is out of this world, and I always felt fully supported.
I could incorporate everything I learned into my teaching & daily life. I’m so happy that this allowed me to make immediate & profound changes in my life."
Carmen Reiss from Germany

"The Akasha family is so welcoming & supportive. They create such a save space and they enable me to slowly go beyond my self-limiting belief."
Sharon – Australia
80-Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training
You'll leave this course confident & inspired to teach a unique Yin Yoga class. We’ll empower you to guide students through the profound practice of Self Inquiry, both on and off the mat.
Self Inquiry is the basis of our Yin Yoga Program, and what makes it distinct from the offerings of other Yoga schools. Like opening a secret door to Self, the practice of Self Inquiry invites us to explore our inner landscape. Simultaneously we expand our capacity to rest back as awareness.
You’ll experience the power of holding space for another person through a connected & mindful Yin Yoga practice. Together, we’ll dive into functional anatomy, the myofascial lines & nervous system. We’ll explore the underlying energetic foundation of Yin Yoga through the world of meridians.

“It's amazing with how much love & authenticity you get prepared to be a Yoga Teacher, just AWESOME and not describable in words.”
Pierre Mayer – lustaufgesund.com

Know how to practice & teach Yin Yoga safely.

Learn about all essential Yin Yoga postures:
benefits, target areas, modifications, contraindications & energetics.

Discover the uniqueness of each body through the study of functional anatomy.
Understand how to work with a variety of body types.

Explore the 5 Elements Theory & energetic meridians (the subtle anatomy of Yin Yoga).

Encounter Self Inquiry as a powerful tool to access your true place.
Deeply ground into the nourishing Stillness of your highest Self.

Integrate the practice of Self Inquiry into your asana practice & daily life.

Comprehend how to structure a Yin class. And teach confidently from your own experience.

Experience how the physical plane weaves into the energetic system.

Understand the connections between meridians & myofascial lines.

Dive into scriptures & investigate the roots of awareness.
Know how to stay centered in the eye of the storm. And learn how to live a peaceful life.

“It’s amazing how they share their resources & knowledge with you to find your own calling. This itself is proof they are providing all this from their hearts.”
Mohit Jain – India / Dubai
Rich & interactive curriculum that meets & exceeds official requirements
Professional teachings based on decades of committed research, study & practice
Recorded classes to suit your time-zone & individual rhythm
High-end media production from our Baliwood Film Studio
Monthly live Zoom calls with your lead teachers
Life-time access to all videos, manuals & training materials
Bhajans with the Akasha Family
Loving support & expert guidance from our seasoned support team

“Learning from a variety of experts who are truly passionate about sharing the benefits of Yin Yoga is a big part of what makes this course so engaging.”
Becky Beach – Canada
Principles of Yin Yoga Practice
Yin Yoga is a slow practice that works with a small variety of long-held floor poses. The gentle approach brings health & mobility to the deeper structures of the body: connective tissue, fascia, joints & bones.
These areas don't get addressed properly in a regular fast Yoga practice. Yin Yoga has the potential to free up a whole new range of motion in your body.
This truly comprehensive course presents all essential Yin poses. You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of relevant principles, modifications, and target areas of all postures. You'll discover the underlying anatomy and experience the benefits of each pose in your own body.

Myofascial Lines & Meridians
We’ll present a functional approach to Yin Yoga anatomy. And we'll introduce you to the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Through a practical investigation, we’ll trace these connective lines in all essential postures.
The meridians of TCM are the energetic foundation of Yin Yoga. We’ll introduce the intricate connections between those energetic meridians and the physical myofascial lines.
Together, we’ll discover how these deep relations between energetic & physical planes profoundly influence our practice.
Awareness Practices & Holding Space
Self Inquiry is a practical way to hold hands with your own Stillness and to deeply nourish the Soul. Through inspirational talks, guided meditations & practical explanations, we will explore experientially what is beyond body & mind.
We'll discover the roots of awareness: What is consciousness? And what is its relation to the feeling & thinking mind?
The invitation is to investigate into the existential nature of Awareness – to reveal that Universal Presence, beyond our individual form. Being in full presence with – and as – Consciousness. That stable, spacious & vast Awareness.
The unique Akasha approach to Yin Yoga merges posture practice & Self Inquiry. It uses the potential of a slow posture practice to investigate into the Nature of Self.

Learn to Practice & Teach Your Way

Each of us walks the path of life with our own unique rhythm. We whole-heartedly accept you & your students – wherever you are on the journey.
This course will allow you to teach an individualized form of Yin Yoga. You’ll learn how to adapt the emphasis – depending on your own flow and who you are teaching.
Together, we'll explore physical, energetic & spiritual planes:
We start at the physical level, providing you with all the knowledge, skills & tools you need. You & your students will learn to feel Yin Yoga from the inside.
We’ll also research the energetic side of Yin: We’ll investigate the meridians, and we'll work on specific meridian pairs in exemplifying sample classes.
Moving into the spiritual realms, we’ll use Self Inquiry to enhance our practice. This ancient yet potent technique can quickly take us deeper: We’ll clear the mind, and move beyond our psychology, into the direct experience of the higher Self. This existential form of inquiry intertwines beautifully with the profound Stillness of Yin Yoga.
Our expert team will guide your journey at each of those levels. We’ll show you how to unlock your true potential as a genuine teacher. And we’ll empower you to guide your students through this profound & life-changing practice in a responsible way.

“They have taught me how to step into my own authority, how to teach what I love, and how to keep growing.”
Nici Kellerman - yogawithnici.com
We want to make sure this is the best investment of your life. That's why we've answered all Frequently Asked Questions very thoroughly.
Please click below to receive detailed answers to all your questions.
Are you ready to explore the depth of your commitment to Yoga like never before?
The Akasha Family is here to guide you every step of the way.
Regular Tuition US$600
+5 Bonuses worth US$264
= Total Value US$864
Start today for only US$139
* Offer extended until March 31.